On The World

Hanji paper, toile de Marais spines, hand embroidered headbands, hand block print, calligraphy. Acrylic hand painted endpapers, with imaginary map sketches, digital typeset text and images, binder’s board, thread. French-door binding. Machine sewn pouch with vintage buttons. 19.5 x 33.3 x 1.7cm. Year 2016.

I have been in movement all my life, from city to city, country to country, continent to continent. Mostly it wasn’t tourism, but education, family and work that led me to reside in different places and learn the customs, culture and language. Wanderlust is deeply ingrained in my psyche and is what feels natural to me.

The idea of conveying the constant wonderment of experiencing places in an artist book was deeply appealing to me. We understand a new place with our mind, our feet and our eyes. So I made On the World elemental, relying mostly on photos I took of places and events that are personally meaningful, remembering the physical experience of being there and evoking writings and thoughts about travel that have inspired me.